Halton Hills
Family Health Team

199 Princess Anne Drive,
Georgetown, ON L7G 0E3
Phone: (905) 873-3000
Fax: (905) 873-0800

Spring Cleaning

doctor Spring cleaning should not just be about cleaning up your house – why not clean up your health too? Spring is a good time to start fresh and get your health back on track, but where do you start? Here are a few ideas to get you started…

  1. Clean out your Medicine Cabinet

    When was the last time you cleaned this out? Go through your medications and check expiry dates. Expired medications can be disposed of by either returning them to your local pharmacy or by taking them to your local Household Hazardous Waste Depot. Keep all medications in the original labeled container.

  2. Makeover your Pantry

    Scan your pantry shelf for any old or expired items and throw them out. If you have items that will never be used, why not donate to them to a local food bank? Once your pantry is cleaned, fill it up with healthy items such as:

    • canned or dried beans, peas, lentils
    • canned fruits
    • unsweetened applesauce or fruit sauces
    • whole grain pasta and rice
    • no salt added canned vegetables
    • canned fish

    Why not move on to your fridge when you are finished with your pantry! Healthy eating is an important part of a healthy lifestyle – to find out more about healthy food choices visit www.eatrightontario.ca

  3. Put on your Safety Hat

    With or without children in the house, it is important that we have a safe living environment. Take inventory of household chemicals or products that could potentially be harmful to your health. Ensure items are stored appropriately as indicated on the label and out of reach of children. Double-check that your fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working. If children are around, ensure safety gates are installed around stairs, cupboard locks are in place and electrical outlets have safety covers. Visit www.safetyinfo.ca for more information on safety for home and play.

  4. Take a Mental Note

    We often forget about our mental health during our day-to-day lives. A healthy mind leads to a healthier life. Take a break and assess your stress level or mood. Visit Check Up From the Neck Up www.checkupfromtheneckup.ca to see how you are doing.

  5. Get Physical

    Winter can stop us from being active…now is the time to get back on track and run with it! Join a local exercise class or walking/running club. Get outside in the fresh air and get moving. Exercise can lead to improved mood, better physical health and help prevent chronic disease. We should all aim to be active most days of the week for at least 30-60 minutes. Try a pedometer challenge with friends and track how much you walk. For more information on getting active visit www.active2010.ca

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